2014年3月25日 星期二


RDA provides a set of guidelines and instructions on formulating data to support resource discovery.
The data created using RDA to describe a resource are designed to assist users performing the following tasks:
find—i.e., to find resources that correspond to the user’s stated search criteria
identify—i.e., to confirm that the resource described corresponds to the resource sought, or to
distinguish between two or more resources with similar characteristics
select—i.e., to select a resource that is appropriate to the user’s needs
obtain—i.e., to acquire or access the resource described.

The data created using RDA to describe an entity associated with a resource (a person, family, corporate body,
concept, etc.) are designed to assist users performing the following tasks:
find—i.e., to find information on that entity and on resources associated with the entity
identify—i.e., to confirm that the entity described corresponds to the entity sought, or to
distinguish between two or more entities with similar names, etc.
clarify—i.e., to clarify the relationship between two or more such entities, or to clarify the
relationship between the entity described and a name by which that entity is known
understand—i.e., to understand why a particular name or title, or form of name or title, has been
chosen as the preferred name or title for the entity.

RDA is designed to take advantage of the efficiencies and flexibility in data capture, storage, retrieval, and display
made possible with new database technologies, but to be compatible as well with the legacy technologies still
used in many resource discovery applications.
In order to optimize flexibility in the storage and display of the data produced using RDA, a clear line of separation
has been established between the guidelines and instructions on recording data and those on the presentation of
data. Guidelines and instructions on recording data are covered in chapters 1 through 37; those on the
presentation of data are covered in appendices D and E.

Alignment with FRBR
The data elements describing a resource that are covered in RDA generally reflect the attributes and
relationships associated with the entities work, expression, manifestation, and item, that are defined in FRBR.
Those entities are defined in RDA as follows:
work—a distinct intellectual or artistic creation (i.e., the intellectual or artistic content)
expression—the intellectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical
or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such
manifestation—the physical embodiment of an expression of a work

item—a single exemplar or instance of a manifestation.

Objectives and Principles Governing Resource Description and Access
Responsiveness to User Needs
Cost Efficiency

Differentiation:差異性 FRAD的資料要能夠區別他的資源
Sufficiency:充足性 資料要足夠
Relationships:關係 要能描述有意義的關係






